Hollywood Storage Center Celebrates 40 Years of Community Involvement

We at Hollywood Storage Center of Thousand Oaks are celebrating our 40th anniversary with a look back at our major milestones and community-advancing programs.
When we opened, it was important to us to be part of our community and not just another storage facility. We’re proud, not only of our growth in the past 40 years, but also by our ability to be a good neighbor.
Community involvement initiatives include:
- Hollywood Storage Water Donation – In an effort to support non-profit organizations, we elected to become a source for donated water bottles. Recipients use the donations at fundraisers and other events. Since the water donation program began in 2005, more than a half million bottles of water have been donated.
- Santa Days – For the holidays, Santa Days was implemented. For two weekends in December, we offer photos with Santa and freshly-baked cookies. Unlike other seasonal photo ops in town, the pictures are provided free of charge and pets are welcome! The annual tradition began in 2007 and is an event locals look forward to each year.
- Holiday Toy Drive – During Santa Days, we pair up with a charitable organization and collect toys to distribute to local families in need. Throughout the life of the program, nearly 10,000 gifts have been donated.
- Free E-Recycling – In 2010, our facility partnered with a local electronics recycling company to become a free drop-off location and has now recycled more than 800,000 pounds of material.
- Student Scholarships – With the recycling program revenues, we’re proud to fund local scholarships. Each year Hollywood Storage presents thousands of dollars to scholars from three local high schools.
In addition to community involvement, we’ve celebrated many business milestones during the past 40 years, including doubling the size of the facility and adding more climate controlled storage units than any other local group. Specialty storage options including wine storage and safety deposit boxes, and new services such as Penske truck rentals. With this growth, we’re now the largest independent storage facility in California.
We look forward to helping you with all your storage needs and thank all of our current and past guests for your business these past 40 years!