Hollywood Storage Center of Thousand Oaks Guide on How to Kill Ants Without Using Pesticides

Summertime means picnics, barbeques, poolside fun and, unfortunately, ants. If your house looks like a scene from the 1950’s movie “Them,” it’s time to fight back!
There are lots of ways to get rid of ants without using the typical stinky spray pesticides which harm us and our environment. The experts at Hollywood Storage Center of Thousand Oaks would like to share some easy green cleaning ways to get rid of those pesky ants without all the harmful fumes.
Of course, it goes without saying, a clean, crumb-free house is less likely to be invaded by ants than a dirty house. Fortunately, you have a clean, safe Newbury Park storage facility that’s perfect for temporarily holding stuff while you scrub! Now, let’s move on to some easy ant killers you can find in your own kitchen cabinet:
Spray your surfaces with a vinegar-water mixture.
Ants don’t like vinegar so make a 50-50 combination of water and vinegar and spray all the areas where ants might be crawling into your home.
Sprinkle salt on flat surfaces outside your home. This works especially well on windowsills.
Draw barriers using chalk. Ants don’t like the calcium carbonate in the chalk and will steer clear.
Squirt lemon juice on outdoor edges. Ants don’t like citrus and the smell of lemon juice will keep them away.
There, now you can go back to enjoying your summer ant-free!
Do you have any green methods of getting rid of ants? Please share them with us on Facebook!