Spring is Time to Deodorize

Here at Hollywood Storage Center of Thousand Oaks, we love to breathe in the fresh smells of Spring. But, like you, we struggle with stale odors at home. Luckily, this guest post from Hollywood Storage Center Clean Team™ member Dion helped us get rid of odoriferous offenses!
You know I like things to be clean around the apartment, and few things annoy me more than walking in and getting a whiff of old sweat socks. But, short of finding some kind of “Smell Good Ninja,” there’s no way to get rid of pet scents, old food stink, and other stuff, without doing something about it.
Good news is, I’ve found some really quick and cost-effective deodorizing tips to hit the main sources of remnant odors and keep the house fresh, so here they are:
CARPETS are like sponges. According to cleanmyspace.com, to remove the stuff they’ve sucked up, use baking soda. Sprinkle a generous amount on the carpet, let it sit for a few hours, then go back and vacuum it up. For best results, use a brush or straw broom to brush it into the nap of the carpeting. You likely will have to vacuum over it a few times to remove all of the baking soda, but a bonus is this also cleans your vacuum.
FURNITURE retains smells. Yuck! Here’s a great solution: Mix a 1:1 ratio of vodka and water and spritz right on the fabric. It evaporates quickly and leaves no alcohol scent behind. Looking for something less expensive? Use vinegar, one of the cheapest deodorizing and bacteria killing products out there. (By the way, if you check out vinegartips.com, you’ll find the same mixture helps keep dog hair shiny too!)
KITCHEN smells are notorious, and it’s amazing what a little lemon, salt, or vanilla extract can do. For example, dip a cotton ball or sponge in lemon juice and leave it in the fridge for several hours, or wipe down the inside of the fridge with vanilla extract. While you’re at it, dump 1/2 cup of salt into sink, run the cold water, and start the disposal to dislodge stuck waste and neutralize odors. Check out this article for many more easy and effective deodorizing tips.
BATHROOM walls actually absorb odor. Quickly wiping them down with vinegar goes a long way while keeping you safe from the harmful chemicals in off-the-shelf cleaners and deodorizers. Did you know that The National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health found 884 toxic substances in a survey of about 3,000 chemicals used in artificial fragrances? No way I want to be exposed to that! Anyway, you can find even more non-toxic bathroom tips here.
Well, I’ve gotta fly. Time to flex some muscle at the gym, where deodorizing wipes always come in handy!
Thanks, Dion! You’re always a great resource for cleaning and organizing tips as you work side-by-side with our expert Newbury Park storage unit consultants. Readers: What is your favorite quick and non-toxic way to de-funk? Post here or on our Facebook.