Thankful – It’s How We Feel Every Day

At Hollywood Storage Center of Thousand Oaks, we’re thankful every day for the community we live in and for the wonderful people we get to interact with on a daily basis. We’ve been fortunate to be part of this community’s storage solutions for nearly 40 years and loved every moment of it! What else is our team thankful for? We asked a few of our team members to share what they’re thankful for this year.

Our General Manager Sandy is looking forward to the holidays and has extra reasons why this year’s Thanksgiving will be special for her.

“I am thankful and excited to be having friends and family gathering at my house this year to celebrate Thanksgiving.” – Sandy


Storage Consultant Richard is reflecting this year on all the people in his life who have been there for him recently.

“This year I’m thankful for my health, my loved ones, and everyone that has helped me get through tough times this year” – Richard


For our Digital Marketing Strategist Monique, it’s all about family…but not exactly what you might expect.

“I’m thankful I can be thankful for having two teenage daughters. They’re awesome and I never expected I’d be able to say that about teenagers.” – Monique


We’re also thankful to have opened our most recent building for rent, our C-Stage Building, and to be able to offer some very competitive prices online. Take a look and if you’re in need of storage, now is a great time to rent! We’d love to hear what you’re thankful for as well.