Give Your Storage Unit a Makeover!
Let the experts at Hollywood Storage Center put in shelving for your new and improved storage...
Record-Speed House Cleaning Tips – From Your Thousand Oaks Storage Experts
Sometimes you just feel like spending all day cleaning your house, right? Just kidding! Our Thousand Oaks Storage team certainly...
Clean Out Your Pantry – Tips from Your Newbury Park Self-Storage Experts
With the New Year in full swing, getting serious about getting healthy is on a lot of minds in the...
Helpful Holiday Decoration Storage Tips
Holiday Season has begun! Halloween is almost here, Thanksgiving isn't far behind, and the countdown is always on for Christmas...
Jessica Alba and Green Cleaning Parties Make Life Better
Here at Hollywood Storage Center, we're always tracking new ways to be healthier, live more organically, clean and organize more efficiently,...
Feng Shui the Easy Way
By Bobby Hollywood Storage Center Storage Expert and Employee of the Month We all own things we know we’ll use later...
Outdoor Green Cleaning Easier Than You Might Think
Picture this: It’s a beautiful evening and you’re sitting outside on the patio. The smell of burgers fills the air,...
Summer Decluttering Tips That Will Make You Smile
Most of us have at least one drawer in our house designated as the "Official Junk Drawer" filled with doo-dads,...