Hollywood Storage Center

Hollywood Storage Center’s
15 Minute Kitchen Cleanup

Most people consider the kitchen the heart of the home, but it often becomes a catch-all for bills, paperwork, homework,…

Kids Swap Meet

Do Your Kids Have Too Many Toys? The Kid’s Swap Meet Can Help!

  Does your living room look like a childcare center? Are toys strewn everywhere cluttering up your living spaces? The…

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Back to School Clutter-Buster Tip from Hollywood Storage Center

The storage and organization experts at Hollywood Storage Center of Thousand Oaks know that going back to school also means kids coming…

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Hollywood Storage Center of Thousand Oaks Guide on How to Kill Ants Without Using Pesticides

Summertime means picnics, barbeques, poolside fun and, unfortunately, ants. If your house looks like a scene from the 1950’s movie…

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Outdoor Green Cleaning Easier Than You Might Think

Picture this: It’s a beautiful evening and you’re sitting outside on the patio. The smell of burgers fills the air,…

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Summer Decluttering Tips That Will Make You Smile

Most of us have at least one drawer in our house designated as the “Official Junk Drawer” filled with doo-dads,…

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Summer Cleaning the Fun Way

Summertime is here and the kids are home from school. What can parents do to encourage kids to help with cleaning around…